We use cookies and other similar technologies (collectively, "cookies") for the following purposes.

Functional cookies: we use cookies to provide our services, for example to:

  • recognize you when you log in to use our services;
  • show you features, products and services that may be of interest to you, including advertisements on our services if they concern products and services available on Eternal Flowers;
  • keep track of items saved in your cart.
  • prevent fraudulent activity;
  • improve security;
  • keep track of your preferences, such as those related to language and currency.

We also use cookies to understand how our customers use our services, so we can improve them. For example, we use cookies to carry out research and evaluations to improve Eternal Flowers content, products and services and to measure and evaluate the performance of our services.

Advertising cookies: We also use cookies to offer you some types of advertising, including those relating to services and products not available on Eternal Flowers, as well as some advertising based on your interests.

Authorized third parties may also set cookies when you interact with the Eternal Flowers services. Third parties include search engines, providers of measurement and analytics services, social media and companies that provide advertising services.

Further information

Cookies can be stored in the browser or device for a variable period of time. Temporary cookies, called session cookies, are stored on your device until you close your browser. Persistent cookies have an expiration date and once this date has passed, the cookie is deleted when you return to the website that created it.

Functional cookies remain in your browser for 13 months from your last interaction with our services, with the exception of cookies used to track your privacy settings (such as Advertising Preferences), which may remain in your browser for up to 5 years. The other cookies remain in the browser for 13 months from when you accepted the use of cookies.

Alternatively, your browser settings will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, how to disable and remove cookies and how to control when they are deleted.

Functional cookies allow you to take advantage of some essential features provided by Eternal Flowers. If you block or otherwise refuse functional cookies from your browser settings, some features and services may not work. For example, you will not be able to add items to your shopping cart, complete your order, or use Eternal Flower services that require you to log in. You will be able to manually change your preferences each time you visit one of our services.

See our Privacy Policy for more information on the type of information we collect.

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This website uses our cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more